Employee Profile: Meet Greta!

We’ve been introducing you to members of our Modish family every few weeks. This week, we are introducing you to our newest employees, Greta!
We asked Greta a few questions, and here are some of her
First Job in Retail:
“This is actually my first job in retail and my first job! I’m only sixteen. I’ve been working here since March, and I love it!”
What do you love most about working about Modish:
“The people! I love when people come back into the store to say how much they enjoyed their experience there. It’s also fun when people are leaving the store and talking about how they enjoyed their time in the store. I love it.”
What are you doing when not working? :
“I’m a high school student, so a lot of my free time is spent doing homework. I’m a huge bookworm, so I’m constantly reading something. In my free time, I like to spend time with family and friends.”
What’s your best Modish memory to date? :
“I have a lot of them, but one of my favorite to date is getting to model with my Modish co-workers. We did a really fun shoot with the Mimi dresses and it was so much fun just getting to spend time with them.”
What are your favorite items in the store right now?
“We’re in a transitional time, so we’re getting lots of new items in the store. I’m a huge fan of all of the cardigans and sweaters that are coming into the store right now. I love trying on all of the new items. I love the NikiBiki tanks too. They’re great basics.”
What’s your favorite part of the Decorah community?:
“I love being part of a small community like Decorah. It’s awesome that I can walk down the street and know so many people already. It’s fun.”
It’s almost Fall- what do you love most about this season?
“I’m really excited to be back into the school routine. I miss it during the summer. In terms of Fall fashion, Rust Orange is one of my absolute favorite colors and it shows up a lot this time of year in clothing. “
We’re so excited to have Greta as part of our Modish family. Come say hi to her on Thursdays at Modish!